
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Post Traumatic Stress and Animals

(SGPT) is an anxiety disorder, depending on the exposure to one or more cases that need to be serious bodily injury or was threatened. It is a serious and permanentnte an emotional reaction psychologiquecal extreme trauma. Stress May represent a death or a real threat to the patient or the life of someone else in serious injury or threat of physical and / or mental, to a degree that usual psychological defense are not in a position. In some cases it may be deep psychological and emotional trauma, regardless of any physical reality. Frequently, however, both ihret combined. The  SGPT is a separate post-traumatic stress disorder, which is less intensity and duration.

The experimental traumatic stress, as the people. Dealing with animals is a fine line of demarcation traumatises walk between the honor of what they, and they perpetuate the experience. Post-traumatic stress disorder whose shapes. Expansion of the forms of stress for their behavior.

No other can fully understand what the other experienced hat. We can only make us compassion, support and the gift to see, after the trauma to be. In voirment solely through their eyes, we have faith in them. Healing of injuries includes the entire will. After the animals physical, he will receive the animal, if we are dealing with the mental health and emotion to. If he does not seint not be recognized, regardless of the way they know how we say that the emotions are. I voted for the first time Wylie, a Schwarzer in the laboratory and of Hurricane Katrina survivor's pension, if I confine myself to a shelter in my area in Montana. I'm on the ceiling to find a chat for my family. After acceptance by a cat named Q early, I sat for the papers. And then I noticed é after it under the table, a very withdrawn and traumatized dogs. I have the volunteer help that you give me this dog was. They told me that his name was Wylie, and he lived with her nowThen I began to tell his story. Hurricanes Katrina in New Orleans in August 2005, after that many animals were in shelters throughout the country. Wylie was Montana. The opening of the heart, which many men have these wonderful animals, vielezu leave from their experience, and many do not. Wylie is one of those who have not taken place. He has decided on the destruction and death, it has. He was in survival, adrenaline running, it tries to escape his ownrelated death. He lost his mind, with their will to live. His world was limited by fear and helplessness. He had lost her husband and the world he knew. He was lonely. Stress serious injury to survive and safety Wylie has now in the world through a filter of fear. . In the work of healing, with everything you can do meet in the middle. Because if we try to regulate what is not "to her feeling of powerlessness in the world. I eWylie rkannte the wisdom of the choice to survive. After his world is torn him to adopt, we start doing. He had enough desire to try. All feelings, experience, Wylie, in his world. He slipped further into depression who do not believe that the trauma experienced, within itself. It was not the grief of their losses. He did not want to live. He died in the way he could, to the inside. Wylie slowly, with the possibility of change, and saddress, like a dog the courage, gave him an opportunity, otherwise than through the eyes of those around him. That would be geleseni dedécider to adopt what he translated, and make himself Wylie began to change. Slow.

In a trauma suffered in an animal, there are guidelines, not rules to follow. The way to help these animals, the trust and autonomy, once again, is as individual as the animal. Changing our focus on the trauma to  see, in the heart of our own, starting the diet of the animals and not the experience. Wylie, hatunbedeu that animals suffered a trauma, it is the best possible Eils. Our love and support for the animals, which has suffered a trauma, not the short or conditional. Our truth and love, without conditions, are donations to both of us.

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