
Monday, April 6, 2009

Can you handle a Chow Chow

Chow Chow is a very nice dog, which is often perceived by many as a stuffed bear or lion. This race has been for thousands of years, originating in Mongolia, where they were held showed that dogs. What is so special and different from other animals is fierce loyalty. On the side, apart from May and tender look adorable, but do not let looks fool you posadaocent - are quite capableWLE attacking and doing badly. Foreigners are not well with this dog, he grew up, is suspected of the entire world does not know. Another attribute that makes it to highlight its "freshness." Some members prefer to keep this race to themselves and sometimes they call the attention of his neighbor. Even in cases where other species are jumping up and down with impatience that not excite many. This is a cool animal that we are talking about, his silence and passive  when there is much to do. The Chow Chow when kept as a pet, choose a family member to your "friend." From then on, spend more time with family members who have chosen and the lucky winner of the bodyguards. This dog will become increasingly protective of the person and obedient to the command hacerNNE. This does not mean to be a total disregard for others, always follow (depending on how they trained others) commands, but will  more support to members who have bonded with. Greater independence of spirit is evident in 59 pounds and 22 inches of body height (average height and weight) shines clear. The Chow Chow needs an owner who will be able to quickly determine sde control and authority over the dog. You must earn the respect you have for it to do the same in return. This dog is not a weakling column or someone cuts too soft. There must be a balanceio between firmness and softness to deal with it - can be difficult to trigger the attack, while being gentle to activate bossiness. Due to the type of hair, dog grooming course will be necessary - as the daily brossage skin, teeth, bathing, when necessary, etc. If you feel you have the balls to take the Chow Chow breed, then I suggest you do more research on the requirements of the first. unbataille To win, must be fulfilledgo all the information you can obtain and analyze all the important details. I'm not saying to go to war, but you must be well prepared, do not be surprised lorsque get one. Do not expect things from you instantly, education is not an easy task (other thing that might help make things easier for you are the dog bribes in the form of trafficking). I hope that all the above information helps you decide and I wish you good luck.

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