It can sometimes be difficult to acquire a new puppy, especially if you are a timer. There are many lessons that you need to learn. We hope that these lessons, they need quickly, because if not, you and your pet may suffer. The first thing that needs attention is the training puppy. As this is the first time to own a dog, a little mayotiempo for your dogor technical training. Here to help quelquesconseils May 1) understanding your puppy. Remember that your puppy is still very young animal. And because it is still a baby, he can not control her bladder very well. In other words, you can expect your puppy to create problems for you, especially in the first few weeks. Also, keep in mind that your puppy is not behaving siemprecómo. As a child, do not know what is good or bad conduct. Once mores, it takes time for the puppy to take social cues and lgagner on how to behave correctly. It's his job, as the owner of the puppy, train your pet. 2) The social hierarchy. Dogs are social animals by nature. But there's a pecking order that the dogs keep naturaleslement. Therefore, if a dog misbehaves, knowing (with love and patience) that misbehavior will not be tolerated. In other words, you have to say that the "boss" from the beginning. Otherwise, the dog in May grow to believe that you can intimidate (and other family members), giving its needs. If he continues to play in the family, their education has failed. 3) house break your puppy. House breaking your puppy esNo only helps your dog develop good habits. This must start at an early age. For very young pups, it is common to see urinate every two hours. The latterfor instance, increases every 4 hours, after a few weeks, the puppy begins to grow and can control his bladder better. There are several houses breaking techniques. The best known (and inefficient) method is the method of training notes. This means putting your publication relatively comfortable in a cage to help the puppy adjust to a schedule convenient. You can also train your puppy to eliminate in a specific location. To do this, place the paper with some do smellnfrom animals often urinate. These odors are created with the liquids that can be bought at the pet store. The animal soon ee recognize and eliminate odors in the same place. You can begin to move slowly, PAPIERS the place you want.
If you have some good advice,you can post it after the passage,thanks.
Post by:Sensitive Stomach Pet Foods
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