So finally I gave a receipt for a puppy. Now you need to know what to do. Puppies are at risk for many different diseases, but they can avoided. One of the first things you do after your puppy home, it's an appointment with a veterinarian to review and vaccines. Your puppy will require a review of the sa screen for parasites. Worms can make your puppy very sick, but can be easily treated wvec drugs. There are a number of shots between 8 weeks and 16-20 weeks of age. The first photo of your dog protect you against various diseases. It is known as DHLPPCv. The vaccine covers the following areas:
D-distemper - a viral infection can be fatal. Affects the respiratory system, gastro-intestinal and nervous system. Hepatitis C - affects the liver L-leptospirosis - a bacterial infection of the kidneys P-Parainfluenza - upper respiratory infection P-parvovirus - potentially fatal, affects the intestinal lining. Many veterinarians recommend that certain breeds such as Rottweilers and Dobermans should have 2 shots Parva. The final vaccine should be administered at 20 weeks of age. Cv-Coronavirus - similar to parvovirus, but generally not fatal. After the puppy is one year, thevaccine be given each year. There are other vaccines that your puppy needs to stay healthy. The rabies vaccine estdonnée small 4 months and repeated the following year. After the second year, the rabies vaccine is given every 2 years. If you are going to board your puppy (or dog), the veterinarian will give a Bordetella vaccine. This is indicated by a spray in the nez and protects the dog from the kennel cough, which is exactly what it says ... cough, and is highly contagious. Lyme vaccine is daa protecting a disease ticks. Lyme disease causes joint pain, fever and swollen lymph nodes. It donnern in a series of 2 doses, one at 8 weeks and 12 weeks. In addition to vaccinating your dog, at the age of 6 months will be a blood test for heart worm. If the evidence becomes clear, will start on a monthly basis is the prevention of heart worm medication. Finally, between 6 and12 months of age, recommended veterinarians to sterilize their dog or sterilized. Together, you and your veterinarian can ensure a long and healthy life for your new puppy.If you have some good advice,you can post it after the passage,thanks.
Post by:Sensitive Stomach Pet Foods
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