
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Essential Facts About Dog Agility Dog Agility and Training

dog agility training is both challenging and fun. What we do for fun or for serious competition, is one of the most rewarding for you and your pet. Dog agility training involves a structured training and exercises for dogs and man from his manager. In general, vemosagilidad animals that compete in the test of tilet em off course with their peers. The training of dogs is based on agility training platform jumping horse. This type of dog agility competition from its roots in the first contest to Crufts Pet Show held in England in 1979. It started as pure fun, but later changed to an event as most fans Competition for pets and their owners were interested in him. Team dog agility training purposes isenciales, which contains a number of obstacles such as tunnels, weave poles, jumps, A-frames, see saws and rides for pets. These devices are simple facts of light and inexpensive and are usually short term. Resources for their own dog agility training abundance, and you can also buy ready-to-use hardware that is generally inexpensive. You can also create their own obstacles with simple instructions to follow in the constructionbarriers to the use of materials such as PVC. However, you should always remember suivow standard design used in the regular competition to achieve the best results in agility training your dog company. Enagilidad of the dogs, the barriers used are arranged in a variety of configurations and sequences for each level of competition. The dog man and his companions were allowed to negotiate the course of familiarization before  of competition. They may use verbal and hand signals to guide their dogs through competition, of course, but can not touch their pets or the team any way possible. The level of difficulty of the course is different and depends on the level of competition. Therefore, competition dogs are grouped in classes to compete at the height of the dogs. The height of the equipment used in the obstacle course is based on competition in the classand minor, that in each class, the dogs are taken. Regardless of their motivation to form votrechien, CSU activity, you and your pet can bring great pleasure and excitement. However, most find the participation in contests of agility as a reward for long hours devoted to training for both the agility and dog handler. Training takes time and good results are obtained with the amount of patience and perseverance and control dogsor. Gerentedebe the dog and be in good shape before starting the training of dog agility, you should put a lot of time in the training of all possible configurations of the obstacle course. In order to get as much agility training, to monitor the performance of your dog, making sure not to push too hard during training. Do not forget that this training is, above all, a fun activity for you and your perrocompañía.

If you have some good advice,you can post it after the passage,thanks.

Post by:Sensitive Stomach Pet Foods

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