
Friday, April 17, 2009

the importance of nutrition for the health of your dog

There was a time when nobody gave a second thought to whether their nutritional needs of dogs have been achieved. At this time, each dog is. Maintenant However Studien and research, we have learned that the quality of food, dry or wet impact on the health of our dogs. Quality dog food for a minimum of effort, vitamins and minerals, and is responsible for the phase of life of dogs. Dogs are not self-evident, all the nutrients they need from us so that they depend to feed then the quality, nutrient-rich for dogs.

There was recently a tendency to feed dogs and the nodechen of raw or "BARF" as he is known. The idea is to feed the dogs, what they eat in nature, before they were domesticated. The truth is that it is dangerous for your dog to the toxins that bacteria in food intestinal obstruction and the possibility of intestinal perforation. If you think about it, you'll notice, not dogs viWind not so long and so well in nature, as they do now.

In this article I will discusssome important nutrients for a dog in the health sector. An MAI nutritional purpose you are not familiar with iodine is. Iodine is essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid. Just as in humans, the thyroid plays an important role in regulating metabolism and growth. The symptoms of Hypothyreosedh, which is not enough thyroid hormones, poor growth, weight gain and hair loss, and weakness and irritability.

zinc ist a mineral that matches the red blood cells from carbon dioxide to the lung tissue. Zinc also promotes the growth and wound healing. Zinc toxicity is rarely a problem, but some breeds, like huskies from Siberia and Alaska Malamute have a incapacikeit to absorb zinc. The problem most often in combination with a lack of zinc is a disease of the skin known as "zinc react dermatosis. The symptoms include hair loss and dry skin KNUSprig around the head, face and legs and a dry, dull hair. Zinc may be good, the quality of vitamins for pets. A high degree of all pets, natural vitamin ingredients that dieHilfe for the inclusion of zinc.

The two best known are dietary supplements glucosamine and chondroitin. These nutrients are especially beneficial for older dogs and large dogs, since they osteoarthritis. Glucosamine and chondroitin relieved pain in the hips and other joints. They are also used to aid healing after surgery of the spine or joint. The use of these two have weakened supgen care for some dogs to allow them to be active later years of their high. Glucosamine works by providing the information necessary for the production of new cartilage compounds. Fight Chondroitin enzymes that break down cartilage. The animals can indefinitely Glucosamine and Chondroitin.
These are just some of the many nutrients needed for the health of your dog. Thanks to the research and study by veterinarians and other scientists, we are now in a position to a longer life of our beloved dogs, as long as possible by providing the best food available.

If you have some good advice,you can post it after the passage,thanks.

Post by:Sensitive Stomach Pet Foods

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